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Russian ZiS-3 cannon near destroyed German Flak.18 8.8 cm gun. Photography of 1944.
The ZIS-3 gun and T-35/85 tanks at the ruined street.
ZiS3 i T.34.85 foto.
Soviet troops with ZiS-3 gun in Dresden, 1945.
Radziecka 76 mm armata dywizyjna wz. 1942 ZiS/3.
Radziecka 76 mm armata dywizyjna wz.1942 ZiS-3.
SiS-3 sowjetische Feldkanone mit einem Kaliber von 76,2 mm.
Soviet 76.2 mm divisional field gun of World War II.
ZiS/3 sovjetski protivoklopni top 76 mm iz perioda Drugog svjetskog rata.
Russian ATG ZiS-3 ready to fire
Sovetsky 76,2 mm divizni kanon vz.42 ZIS-3.
76-mm-Divisionskanone SiS-3 mit einem Kaliber von 76,2 mm.
Soviet 76-mm antitank gun ZIS-3 in winter.
Russian tanks T-60 are towing ZiS-3 guns. Photo 1943.
Field Artillery
Regimental Guns
Anti-Aircraft Artillery
45-mm Anti-Tank Cannons , 57-mm ZiS-2
76-mm Guns ZIS-3 , ZIS-3 , USV
Anti-Tank Aces
Captured Guns up to 75-mm,over 88-mm
Trophy Mortars
Howitzers of USSSR: 122mm , 152mm
Katyusha , Rocket Launchers
WWII Strategic Artillery
Soviet Mortars
Coastal Guns
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